Frequently Asked Questions about the Picnic Pizza Station

How it works

How does the Picnic Pizza Station work?

You place a stretched dough on the station. The modular assembly line builds each pizza order according to your recipe by applying sauce, cheese, fresh-sliced pepperoni, and toppings into your preferred configuration. At the other end of the station, the pizza can feed directly into your oven, or you can retrieve the pizza for refrigeration or immediate baking.

How many pizzas can the station make per hour?

With a single kitchen technician operating the station, baking the pizzas, and slicing and boxing pizzas, you can make up to 100 pizzas per hour.

What ingredients are recommended?

The short answer is smooth sauce, diced and some shredded cheese, stick pepperoni, sausage, diced peppers, and diced onions. The longer answer, including brand and size recommendations, is on our approved ingredients list. We are always testing new ingredients and adding support for new toppings. Our Customer Success team will work with you to evaluate additional toppings.

Can I make pan pizzas?

Yes.0The maximum dough thickness supported, including the pan or screen, is 2 inches.

Does it work with any size dough?

The Pizza Picnic Station supports pizzas from 10 to 16 inches.

Does the dough need to be stretched first?

Yes. You place a stretched dough on a screen or pan and it will feed into the station.

Does the Picnic Pizza Station include an oven?

The Picnic Pizza Station is an automated makeline that produces fresh pizzas ready to bake. It has no attached oven. Once a pizza exits the station, you can retrieve it for refrigeration or move it to your oven for immediate baking. You can even arrange your setup so the station feeds directly into a conveyor oven.

Will it work with my POS?

Yes. Picnic can help you integrate your cloud-based POS system with the station operating software for an additional charge. After reserving your station, your sales manager can talk with you about your options.

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What it costs

How much is the Picnic Pizza Station?

The Picnic Pizza Station is offered as Robotics-as-a-Service. It requires no upfront costs from you, apart from the initial deposit. You sign up for a subscription with a three-year term. The per-station subscription fee for The Works configuration is $4500 per month, The Essentials configuration is $3500 per month, and the Basics configuration is $3250 per month. POS integration is available for an additional charge. The subscription fee includes the station, installation, service, support, and system upgrades.

Want to see how much you could save annually? Try our savings estimator.

Can I buy one outright?

The Picnic Pizza Station is only available as a service subscription.

What will repair costs be?

All service, support, and system upgrades are included in the monthly subscription.

Do I have to sign a contract?

Yes. A sales manager from Picnic will connect with you to share a contract for the three-year subscription term.

Is this really going to save me any money?

We’ve done the math and we believe that for a busy kitchen, you’ll see a positive return on investment from the first month. It’s not just labor savings and food costs (although there’s that, too!). Hiring and training a new employee costs a company about six months of that salary. Turnover every few months costs you 200% or more of your annual per-employee budget. Want to try out your own numbers? Check out our savings estimator.

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Other questions

Can I see a Picnic Pizza Station at work?

You can watch a video right now to see the station in action. Or sign up for our next virtual demo. Contact a sales manager to learn more.

How soon will it ship?

The Picnic Pizza Station is available in limited quantities for a rolling installation in 2022 and 2023, U.S. and Canada only.

When will I know the ship date?

Your ship date will be confirmed after we have received your signed agreement. Your Customer Success Manager will keep you updated as your station is prepared for delivery and installation.

Will you be adding production capacity to fulfill more orders?

We are excited by the overwhelming interest in the Picnic Pizza Station. We are constantly looking for opportunities to expand our manufacturing capabilities. By reserving a station, you can help us plan for increased production.

When are you offering the Picnic Pizza Station outside the U.S. and Canada?

We appreciate the worldwide attention the Picnic Pizza Station is receiving. International expansion is on our roadmap, but we’re not there yet. Fill out our contact form and you’ll be on the list to be notified when we get to your country.

I have more questions. Can I talk to a real person?

Absolutely! Contact us and a sales manager will answer your questions.

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Is support included with the price of the station?

Yes. The monthly fee for the Picnic Pizza Station includes shipping, installation, set-up, basic maintenance, routine support, and training.

What kind of support do I get?

Each customer is matched with a Customer Success Manager (CSM). The CSM will be your advocate through all the stages of your relationship with Picnic. Your CSM will work with you to understand your needs, your system preferences, and basic restaurant operations information. They will assist in scheduling a station delivery time and ensure you have all the details needed for a successful installation and utilization.

A certified Field Service Engineer (FSE) will assist with station installation and will conduct training for your designated employees. The FSE will conduct an assessment and certification of designated employees. The employees will learn how to assemble and disassemble the portions of the Picnic Pizza Station that need regular cleaning, preventative maintenance, and basic troubleshooting.

Picnic provides a detailed Operator’s Manual for the Picnic Pizza Station, usage and service FAQs, support email, and phone support (including after-hours and emergency).

What spare parts come with the station?

Picnic provides spare parts for high-use or consumable materials. Depending on your station configuration, parts can include axis drive rollers, axis idle rollers, sauce, cheese, or granular ingredient hoppers, conveyor system belts, sauce nozzles, sauce tubes, pepperoni blades, and sample size cleaning products. These parts are included in the monthly fee for the station and should be used or maintained per the Operator’s Manual.

Do I get software upgrades?
What service am I responsible for?

You should be prepared to keep your station clean and operating per the Operator’s Manual. Required daily maintenance includes cleaning hoppers, augers, belts, drip trays, and any other parts that have contact with food (all parts are dishwasher safe except slicer blade). Daily cleaning also includes running the sauce tube cleaning routine, hand-washing the slicer blade, wiping down non-removable parts, and charging the system iPad. Cleaning protocols are taught during training and can be referred to in the Operator’s Manual.

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